jsMacs 0.0000...2 A demonstration of text editing in the browser, with the arbitrary avoidance of useful JavaScript libraries. Note: Because of unstable browser keyboard APIs, this might be broken. You can undo and redo using C-_, and you can copy and paste text using C-y, M-y, C-k, M-d, C-w, etc, like you do in Emacs. It has the usual kill ring and undo ring behavior that you'd expect. A full list of keybindings: C-a: moveToBeginningOfLine() C-b: moveLeft(1) M-b: backwardWord() C-d: deleteRight(1) M-d: deleteForwardWord() C-e: moveToEndOfLine() C-f: moveRight(1) M-f: forwardWord() C-k: killLine() C-n: moveDown() C-p: moveUp() C-w: killRegion() C-y: yank() M-y: altYank() C-_: undo() <space>: appendLeft(" ") <C-space>: setMark() <backspace>: deleteLeft(1) <C-backspace>: deleteBackwardWord() <M-backspace>: deleteBackwardWord() <return>: appendLeft("\n") <delete>: C-d <M-delete>: M-d <left>: moveLeft(1) <right>: moveRight(1) <up>: moveUp() <down>: moveDown() <end>: moveToEndOfLine() <home>: moveToBeginningOfLine()